Friday, February 6, 2009

Fun on Friday

Oh, I'm so happy it's Friday! Today has been pretty busy... makeup lessons and such... but usually I take Fridays off, have a long, leisurely yet intense workout, enjoy my morning, and take myself out for a quiet lunch at one of my favorite places. Most Fridays it's Panera Bread, where my favorite lunch is a cup of French Onion soup and a Fuji Apple Chicken Salad. It's just heaven. I love having a bit of alone time at the end of my week, which is usually a constant barrage of people... students, kids, church, orchestra. I love them all, but being able to recharge myself is so wonderful.

Sometimes people ask me what I do for fun. In most of my life there's not room for your typical "fun". I don't have time to relax in front of the tv, I don't go to movies, and rarely go out with friends. If I'm not teaching, I'm probably playing my violin, either practicing or performing, and beyond that, there's a life of kids, church, a home to care for, and all the dirty details of life that everyone has. It seems that fun has to be scheduled... and usually gets scheduled in pencil.

I do have fun sometimes, even to excess every once in a while. My most indulgent passion is skiing, and if I had unlimited funds, time, and access, I'd ski all winter long, every chance I'd get. I'm extremely sad that this winter will afford me none of those things. It is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world to ride a lift to the top of a mountain and to look back over your shoulder at the valley below. It's simply one of the most beautiful sights in the world, and then you get to ski down that gorgeous mountain, through the trees, over the slopes, across the runs on a snowy carpet.

My Fridays usually end with my kids. I'm watching their violin lessons right now. No, I don't teach my own kids, they have a great teacher who is NOT me. It's not that I'm not a great teacher, it's the fact that being teacher and mom at the same time does NOT work for us. We've tried. This is better. This is fun, watching someone else be the teacher, being patient and encouraging to my offspring. Lydia is so conscientious about her practicing and lessons. She can always be counted on to be prepared. David's practice is hit and miss. He needs a practice partner, and we're all so busy that we're just happy on the days he's in a good enough mood for a lesson. Michael practices sometimes, makes slow and steady progress, and he can be counted on to fall asleep under my chair during the other kids' lessons. In fact, that's where he is right now, enjoying a good, loud snooze. This is a happy place for me, because I can relax completely, spending some quality time with the coolest kids in the world.

Tonight we'll have pizza and a movie at home, and we'll be joined by Craig and his girls. Craig and I are dating. Someday when I feel like writing something funny and sad at the same time, I'll write about being divorced, single, and dating at age 34. It's been quite a journey over the last few years. I'm very happy where I am right now. It's not something I recommend to anyone, but I have sure learned a lot. I've learned to appreciate little things, and to not take for granted any single pleasant moment with my kids. I've learned that I don't have to be afraid of being alone, even if it's for a long time. I've also learned that I'd much rather have someone in my life than not. I've learned that I have some true friends, and they came from places I wouldn't have expected. I've learned that I'm beautiful, wonderful, funny, loving, loyal, and even exciting. I've learned that I'm worth it, whatever "it" is. I've learned that there's happiness to be had around every corner, if I am looking for it. And amazingly, I've even learned how to have fun.


  1. Great post! I loved learning more about you. I totally agree about the mom and teacher thing NOT mixing! I wish Aubrey could come to you... we can't find anyone here.

  2. You have such a positive attitude about everything! It sounds like you are having a fun life, even if it is really busy. :)

  3. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying blogging. You guys have both inspired me with your blogs. I think I love the comments just as much, and being able to put my thoughts in a place where they don't just belong to me... well, that's just cool.
